My topic for my research project essay is about the Vikings. My argument for the Vikings is supporting them as being good people. I started with providing evidence of Vikings coming to Canada on Newfoundland’s shores, dating back to pre Colombian times. I explained with my references of how their beliefs and entertainment weren’t so much different then the Europeans of their time, supporting evidence that they were just as whimsical as anyone else in their era. I explained how kind they could be, not just within themselves but to others as well, with events that I researched. The Vikings were intelligent people, adapting to the world of trade and expanding their peoples into other lands. My most shocking discovery about them was that they respected woman’s rights. Even today not all people do and from their era that makes them a very respected and evolved people. The reason I chose this topic was because my ancestors were Vikings and that was why my argument was to support them. Vikings made my family today and my siblings and I still have copper in our hair from our Viking history.
To read more about the Vikings and to read about my supporting evidence, here are my references.
McKenna, Marian C. 2010. The Vikings return : Icelandic immigration to Canada, 1870-1920. n.p.: Calgary : Detselig Enterprises, c2010., 2010. Thompson Rivers University Catalog, EBSCOhost (accessed November 2, 2016).
Gardner, David. 1997. “Vikings at play.” Beaver 77, no. 4: 38. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 2, 2016).